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Application Information

Please note that these are a general list of requirements, and we want to make sure that the information is out there, but we do take each applicant’s situation into account before making a final decision, positive or negative.

  • All applicants over the age of 18 must complete and pay for the application.
  • All applicants per each unit must have a gross monthly income of more than 3X the rent.
  • If any applicants have any outstanding judgments or collections, we will have to look closely at your income. We will have to establish that if your wages are garnished you could still afford to pay your rent.
  • If you have any outstanding balances, judgments, or collections on behalf of another landlord or property management company, we cannot rent to you unless you have receipts showing the balance was paid in full or have a payment plan worked out that we can verify with the landlord or property management company.
  • If you have any outstanding balances, Judgments, or Collections with the city where the property is located (for electric, gas, water & sewer) where you want to live, we will not be able to rent to you, unless you can get authorization for the utilities to be on in your name.
  • If any applicants have a criminal record, please be prepared to explain, if you do not explain and indicate no criminal activity and we find a criminal activity that will completely
  • Our security deposits are based on your history, if you do have judgments or collections you may be required to pay 1.5X Please note that these are a general list of requirements, and we want to make sure that the information is out there, but we do take each applicant’s situation into account before making a final decision positive or negative.

We understand that pets are like part of the family but depending on how an owner trains and caresses the animal will determine their behavior. For this reason, we require applicants to fill out a pet screening application for each pet they would like to have with them on the property.

This application will collect all your pet(s) information. The more information you provide about your pet(s) will help us determine if we will be able to rent this property to your entire family pet(s) included. The pet application fee starts at $20 for the first pet and $15 for any additional pet.

Our Non-refundable Pet Fee Starts at $450 per pet, for the privilege of having a pet on the property. You will also be assessed a Pet fee of $30 Per pet every month. The more information that you provide in the pet application helps us determine the pet fee to be charged.

Once your pet application is completed, we will then have you go ahead and fill out the application for the property you want to live in.

Just remember not all properties we have listed will accept pets, please call us or check the website and see if pets are accepted prior to filling out a pet application. If you are still unsure you can call, email, or text our office and ask.

Be advised you will be required to update your pet information and pay a nominal fee annually prior to any lease renewal being signed.

Applications will be processed within 24 business hours. If you put in your application you may not hear back from us until Monday morning.

To apply for a property, simply click on the Apply Now button next to the property you want to live in. Application payments can be paid in 2 different ways. You can fill out an application and pay at the end of the application via credit card and this will be $50.00. You can fill out your application and submit without payment and pay with the PayPal link. Paying with the PayPal link enables you to take advantage of a $10.00 discount on a double application, and a $20.00 discount on a married application by using the drop-down arrows on the link below. Application Fees must be paid before your application can be processed.